University Objectives

University Objectives

In the long run, the University of Saba aims to contribute to a qualitative change in higher education in the Republic of Yemen to enable it to meet the needs of the country's specialists in science and human and applied knowledge, to follow up the scientific developments and to improve the efficiency and capabilities of governmental and private institutions through programs Continuous education provided by scientific research conducted by faculty members.

The main objectives are:
1 - Provide opportunities for higher and university education for high school graduates in various disciplines.
2 - Development of different capacities and scientific and practical skills for students.
3 - Graduating qualified scientific and technical qualifications and able to participate in the responsibility and mastery of work so as to enable them to keep pace with scientific progress and technological development.
4 - To contribute to raising the efficiency of employees in public and private institutions through the design and delivery of training, preparation and training programs for any institution wishing to do so.
5 - Providing specialized technical and economic studies and consultations for various public and private institutions.
6 - Contribute to the transfer and development of science and technology and develop them to serve the community.
7 - Forming and strengthening scientific links and relations with Yemeni, Arab and foreign universities in order to achieve the objectives of scientific growth and development in various fields through the exchange of experiences, knowledge and skills.
8. Active participation in scientific conferences and symposia in order to contribute to enriching scientific knowledge and directing it towards serving the society.

Sabaa Universtiy
Togather To the Futuer


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