Holding seminars at the Deanship of Graduate Studies


On Sunday, 24/9/2016, two seminars were held for the student / Sam Ali Nasher Saif - Business Administration subject of the thesis (incentives and their impact on achieving job satisfaction among employees of Al Nashiri Group, Bin Muammar Company, Golden Company, First Company) The role of internal audit in activating risk management in Yemeni insurance companies "field study". The seminars were very successful both in terms of preparation and arrangement, in terms of lecturing by the students or in terms of interventions by the attendees (doctors and students), as these inputs were valuable and influenced the subjects of scientific messages in management and accounting. Also among the outputs of these seminars is that many of the attendees, especially the doctors, appreciate and appreciate the Deanship of Graduate Studies at the University of Sheba for having these seminars, which is in fact one of the features of the University of Sheba, since most public and private universities do not hold such seminars

Sabaa Universtiy
Togather To the Futuer


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