Vision and Mission of the Collge

Vision and Mission of the Collge

College Vision:

The vision of the College of Information Technology is to dedicate itself as one of the outstanding and distinguished faculties in Yemen in order to extend the community with qualified cadres capable of contributing to development and development. The College seeks to achieve its vision through the preparation of students with distinguished expertise and professionalism in the field of information technology and to compete in the labor market and create a generation interested in scientific research. And equipped with the knowledge and skills required to keep abreast of the growing evolution of information technology, which has become an active role in our daily lives


College Message:

The College implements the latest scientific methods in teaching and in line with the comprehensive quality standards with a focus on the educational process after teaching, training and removing barriers between academia and the market.

The College also works on the preparation of academic training programs that balance the academic and practical aspects in order to help its graduates to obtain job opportunities and to ensure their readiness to assume managerial, leadership and technical duties in various fields of work.

Sabaa Universtiy
Togather To the Futuer


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