Dr. Anbroud Al-Razahi

Practical experiences :

- Researcher at the Center for Studies and Research since 1992

School of accounting and auditing materials since 2003

I supervised many graduate research and promotions

She headed the accounting department at more than one civil university

She was the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Ahlia University for two years

She has been the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Human Sciences at the University of Sheba since August 2014 until now

Scientific Production:

I have prepared a lot of researches and worksheets including:

Investment climate in the Republic of Yemen (reality and ambition)

- The banking system in Yemen and its role in development

- The importance of internal control in applying the principles of corporate governance

- The relationship between the outputs of higher education and unemployment

Internal and External Posts:

Participated in many internal and external seminars

Seminar on the deterioration of the Yemeni currency - Center for Yemeni Studies and Research
Seminar on the Yemeni revolution and economic, social and political transformations
Seminar on GATT Agreements
MESA Conference USA - Boston

Dean`s Word

The Deanship of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences welcomes you to the website of the Faculty and seeks to be close to you to be able to serve you in providing advice and assistance if you are looking to search for the appropriate environment and the place to study and ensure your future because we are proud that our Faculty was and still plays an important role in the rehabilitation of administrative cadres So we hope that you will find him in the rehab of our leading Faculty.. And always remember "we will be helpful" to you in choosing the right destination for your future

Once again we welcome you to our website, which is the window for every new Faculty in the scientific and academic fields

I do not forget here, but I congratulate our graduates for the academic year 2014-2015 and wish them a happy future. "We also welcome our new students and wish them and those who have been successful and successful. I am very serious and diligent to achieve all that they desire

Dr. Anbroud Al-Razahi

Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing

Sabaa Universtiy
Togather To the Futuer


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